Hi Georg,

Georg Datterl wrote:
> Hi Jost, hi Vincent
> I could use a combination of your ideas. If I just put the drawings in a 
> table header and fill the table body with empty cells, I still have to keep 
> in mind that a new page means, the header is reprinted, therefore the body 
> moves down. Since I don't know, over how many pages the table spans, I don't 
> know for how many headers I should include in my calculation. 
> I could generate the document with only one set of drawings. Then I would 
> know how many pages a table spans and I would know, how long the table body 
> should be. Only if the last part of the table is shorter than the drawings, 
> the bottom line of the complete DesignTable would move down and the page 
> spanning of further DesignTables can be influenced. So worst case I would 
> have to generate the whole page-sequence once for each DesignTable. 
> Performance nightmare, but it should give the desired result. 

This would have to be tested, but I think you can estimate the height of
the blank content accurately enough. If you have the height of content E
and the height of pages, then you can compute the maximum number of
pages over which the DesignTable can be spread. So the maximum number of
times drawing C would appear, and substract that number of times from
the height of the blank content. That should allow you to avoid
re-generating the whole page-sequence once for every DesignTable.

By making a post-process based on the informations of the intermediate
format, you could probably manage to get the borders of the tables
inside content E extended until the bottom of the DesignTable.

> Vincent, could I just insert multiple copies of the drawings block and 
> add a break-before="page" all but the first block?

Yes, if you use the post-process approach, then you don’t need to worry
about using a table. In spite of the multiple processings problem that
you identified above, this approach may be better if you can’t
accurately estimate the height of content E.

> Georg Datterl



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