Hi Max,

Max Berger wrote:
> Hi *,
> I just want to throw in a different idea (you may ignore it if you like):
> How about specifing the grammer and using a tool such as JavaCC to
> generate the actual parser? This way you could focus more complete
> grammer and have to spend less time writing the parser.

That would be the same as using ANTLR. I feel that this is a bit
overkill for just parsing the font shorthand property, although that may
prove to be useful for other properties that can accept complex
That said, JavaCC is an interesting suggestion, I didn’t think of it. If
a choice had to be made between ANTLR and JavaCC, which one would win?

> JavaCC is BSD license, so we could easily integrate it in the fop build.
> Max


> 2009/9/28 Vincent Hennebert:
>> Hi Jonathan,
>> Interesting stuff!
>> Jonathan Levinson wrote:
>>> Hi Vincent,
>> <snip/>
>>> Because font-variant font-style and font-weight can occur in any order,
>>> I could not (currently) come up with a grammar in which the directing
>>> sets were disjoint for each non-terminal.  So I was unable to come up
>>> with an LL(1) grammar.
>>> For instance, here are two productions of my attempt at a grammar:
>>> <style-variant-weight> -> <variant-weight>
>>> <style-variant-weight> -> <variant-style>
>>> In each case, the first set of <style-variant-weight> shares a common
>>> element in two different productions, the literal values for variant.
>>> One needs to look ahead one more token to see if one has a
>>> <variant-weight> or a <variant-style>.
>> (I’ll call “modifier” any of the three style, variant, weight
>> properties.)
>> Taking the ‘normal’ case apart, and since ‘inherit’ is not allowed in
>> the shorthand, I think the values for all modifiers are distinct:
>> ‘italic’, ‘oblique’, ‘backslant’ for font-style, ‘small-caps’ for
>> font-variant, and the various weight values for font-weight.
>> Since all modifiers are set to their initial values prior to the
>> shorthand parsing, which is ‘normal’ for all three of them, I think we
>> can simply ignore any ‘normal’ value found in the string. That is,
>> accept it as a legal terminal but not do anything.
>> So I don’t think there is any ambiguity any more. What remains to be
>> done is to check that the same modifier is not specified more than once
>> (that includes checking that ‘normal’ is not specified more than
>> 3 times). And it’s probably easier to check that at the semantic level
>> instead of crafting special grammar rules.
>> <snip/>
>>> The books and web articles I read only discussed using recursive descent
>>> when the grammar is LL(1).  I have the feeling that despite the
>>> ambiguities in the grammar it is almost LL(k) because font-variant and
>>> font-style and font-weight almost have disjoint values.   It is at least
>>> LL(3) and I suspect it is LL(6).
>> The font-size property has the good idea of not allowing ‘normal’ as
>> a value. The ‘normal’ case for modifiers can be ignored as explained
>> above. So I think the grammar still is LL(1)
>> <snip/>
>>> I'm not as convinced as you are that recursive descent parsing or a
>>> formal bottom-up-parser will make the code simpler rather than more
>>> complex because of the complexities of a formal grammar.   Of course,
>>> however complex the grammar, a table-generating tool - like ANTLR - will
>>> generate code, however complex, which will faithfully reflect the
>>> inputted grammar.  However, none of the other properties in FOP use a
>>> table-generating tool like ANTLR - and I'm not sure what the
>>> consequences would be to FOP of introducing such a tool.  Given the
>>> complexities of the grammar, I'm sure that a recursive descent parser
>>> will be quite complex, and if we are going to use a grammar driven
>>> approach we would be better off with a tool that generates parsers from
>>> grammars rather than the recursive descent approach.  Also an advantage
>>> of parser generators is that one doesn't have to rewrite so much code to
>>> correct a mistake in one's grammar, if one makes a mistake, or if the
>>> grammar changes.  Recursive descent parsing can pose its own maintenance
>>> nightmares.
>> Using a grammar tool like ANTLR is probably overkill to parse just
>> a shorthand property. Moreover the grammar is not likely to change, so
>> that reduces its usefulness even more. That said, most properties can
>> accept expressions, where such a tool might actually be interesting.
>> I don’t know how far FOP goes to supporting expressions in other
>> properties.
>>> The current approach in FOP for font-shorthand is obscurely written but
>>> strikes me as basically sound.
>>> 1)      One parses from right-to-left using the fact that spaces divide
>>> tokens
>> The problem is that font families can be specified with strings
>> containing whitespace, that must be handled in a specific manner and not
>> as a terminal delimitation. Otherwise parsing from right to left would
>> indeed probably be relatively easy.
>>> 2)      One lets property makers determine whether they apply to a
>>> token.  Each property maker is a little parser of the token one feeds
>>> it.  Because the property makers determine whether they apply to a
>>> token, one can handle the fact that variant, weight and style can occur
>>> in any order by feeding the current token to each of the property makers
>>> for font-variant, font-weight, and font-style in turn.  Whatever they
>>> accept is ipso-facto a font-variant or a font-weight or font-style.
>>> Just want to let you know I take the problem seriously, and I'm not
>>> trying to duck the responsibility of coming up with an adequate
>>> solution.  I'm not sure what I did fits into a "job priority" which is
>>> why I spent many hours this weekend on this research.
>> Thanks for looking into this issue. I hope my comments above can help.
>> As an alternative: the fact that the shorthand property can be parsed
>> using a regular expression shows that its grammar is a regular
>> language [1], thus can also be parsed using an automaton. I’ve quickly
>> sketched such an automaton that I’ve attached to this message. The error
>> handling probably needs to be refined but otherwise it should already
>> provide a good basis for a parser.
>> [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_language
>>> You are free to disagree with my observations and I notice that on
>>> fop-dev forums you challenge us to make the code simpler, more reusable,
>>> and better structured.
>> That’s indeed an important thing to keep in mind. I believe an LL parser
>> would be relatively easy to implement. If you feel that the current
>> approach could be simplified and improved to be as powerful as an LL
>> parser, by all means, go for it.
>> Thanks,
>> Vincent

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