I did not send the announcement to (cf. our release check list):
- xsl...@yahoogroups.com (I am not a subscriber)
- docbook-a...@lists.oasis-open.org (I am not a subscriber)
- dita-us...@yahoogroups.com (I am not a subscriber)
- xsl-l...@lists.mulberrytech.com (they complain about GMail's MIME
  Content-Type 'multipart/alternative'; I will try again later to
  avoid it)
- http://xslfo-zone.com/news/index.jsp (the domain cannot be found)
- http://www.w3.org/Style/XSL/ (where do I send announcements?)

Perhaps one of you can send the announcement to one of these


Simon Pepping
home page: http://www.leverkruid.eu

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