I added a Complex Scripts link under "Design Documents" heading in the FOP's


On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 11:14 PM, Chris Bowditch

> Glenn Adams wrote:
> Hi Glenn,
>  i hear you, but I prefer to use the mechanism I described, since I have
>> control over it; until I am granted committer status, I don't have that
>> control within ASF; i would be happy to transition when I am granted
>> committer status; in the mean time, i will use the mechanism i described;
> I don't want to discourage you from documenting your work but I agree with
> Vincent, using the Wiki is the preferred place to document your progress. I
> don't understand why committership status would matter? As Vincent already
> indicated anyone can view/modify the Wiki.
> Thanks,
> Chris
>> regards,
>> glenn
>> On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 6:30 PM, Vincent Hennebert 
>> <vhenneb...@gmail.com<mailto:
>> vhenneb...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>    Hi Glenn,
>>    That sounds good but it would be preferable to work in the ASF area,
>>    mainly use FOP’s wiki:
>>    http://wiki.apache.org/xmlgraphics-fop/DeveloperPages
>>    Anyone can add content to the wiki, you just need to create an account.
>>    You can create a new page related to your work on complex scripts and
>>    add a link to it on the above page.
>>    For issues, Bugzilla should cover your needs. If you deem necessary you
>>    can use bug #49687 as a meta-bug and create individual issues on which
>>    that bug would depend.
>>    Thanks,
>>    Vincent
>>    Glenn Adams wrote:
>>     > In order to better communicate with those interested in this
>>    work, I have
>>     > enabled an anonymous reas access to the following Trac site, with
>>    wiki,
>>     > ticket, and report views enabled.
>>     >
>>     > https://skynav.trac.cvsdude.com/fop/wiki
>>     >
>>     > I will be using this site during the development process to aid in
>>     > documentation of this feature and to track related issues.
>>     >
>>     > I intend to also use it for other FOP related work I plan or may
>>    accomplish.
>>     >
>>     > Regards,
>>     > Glenn
>>     >

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