I figured out how to use the ant tool to build the jars and it seems
fairly simple.  I downloaded one project which was using maven and it
seemed fairly ugly.  I installed the Eclipse maven plugin and haven't
figured out how to compile it.  Jeremias also recently said he doesn't
like maven.


From: Benson Margulies [mailto:bimargul...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2010 5:29 PM
To: fop-dev@xmlgraphics.apache.org
Subject: Re: findbugs results


The people who make Sonar host Apache projects for free. Many Apache
projects have Sonar set up there, and can get findbugs and all sorts of
other useful data without individual contributors running these tools.

Having written that ...

for what it's worth, I am personally opposed to taking the default
output of 'findbugs' as gospel. Many of the things that it reports are
'bugs' only in the eyes of its authors or the religious.

On other projects I've worked on, the project has come up with an
agreeable set of checkstyle and/or PMD rules that are treated as
'normative', but findbugs output is hard to treat as anything except a
report that you can read and consider whether any particular item
deserves to be addressed. Aiming for a perfect score there seems

Meanwhile, I am, completely off to one side, curious as to why you think
that maven is a 'big' solution. Sheer disk space of the downloaded
components? Something else? I build CXF on a rather wimpy MacMini at
home from time to time. It is thirsty for permgen space when you use
certain plugins, but plain old compiling has never struck me as that
different from ant.


On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 9:34 AM, Simon Pepping <spepp...@leverkruid.eu>

        Thanks for this interesting report.
        I noted that the problems reported here are harder to fix. They
        touch upon design issues. See my efforts on the warnings for
        when a codebase has no findbugs problems, it has a clean OO
        But for a code base with a long history and many authors, that
        hardly feasible. Moreover, where would we find the time and
budget to
        do all this work?
        I also noted that findbugs is too big for my simple machine. I
do not
        develop FOP as a profession, so I do not have a larger machine
        this purpose alone. There goes findbugs into the same corner as
        for professionals only.
        On Sun, Aug 15, 2010 at 04:40:47AM +0800, Glenn Adams wrote:
        > First, I wish to express my pleasure that checkstyle (5.1 at
least) now
        > reports zero warnings/errors, and that only four deprecation
warnings are
        > present at compile time. This is a significant improvement in
        > cleanliness, and I hope that all committers will take the time
to run
        > checkstyle and resolve new warnings before performing new
        > However, as I mentioned in a previous messge, there remain a
fairly large
        > number of warnings/errors reported by findbugs: 922 of them to
be exact. I
        > don't plan to take any action myself on these at the present
time, since
        > I've managed to stir up the pot (and emotions) quite
adequately with my
        > prior patch. However, if others wish to start addressing these
        > perhaps incrementally over time, then we can move the code
base even closer
        > to a zero warning state, or at least a state where we've
audited all the
        > warnings adequately. To this end, I am attaching the current
findbugs report
        > as a matter of interest. Because findbugs reports more
potentially serious
        > semantic problems in the code, it is also likely that more
potential real
        > bugs will be uncovered and addressed.
        Simon Pepping
        home page: http://www.leverkruid.eu

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