Forwarded message from Nick Burch <>

Hi All

Just a reminder that our next Apache Retreat will be in Hursley in the
UK, from the 17th - 19th September. That's a little over a month away

If you're an Apache Committer, we'd like to invite you to come for the
whole weekend. We've booked Tipis to stay in(!), catering on-site,
we've conference facilities sorted for running a BarCamp both days,
we'll be doing lightning talks, socialising, hacking etc.

If you're a user of Apache software, we'd love for you to come along
in the day on the Saturday. We're running a BarCamp in the day, and
it'll be great chance to learn more about new Apache projects, how the
Apache Way leads us to develop software, as well as to talk about your
current projects.

More details on the event, and a link to the signup site are available
from the ApacheCon wiki:
(Signup is available now for the whole retreat, and he barcamp signup
will open on Monday)

Also, if funding would be an issue to stop you attending, then the
Travel Assistance Committee are accepting applications for assistance
to attend until Wednesday 11th. More details, and a link to the
applications site are available from:

(On behalf of the retreat organising committee)

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