Am 27.01.2012 16:35, schrieb mehdi houshmand:
> There seem to be an awful lot of static main methods around the fonts
> and hyphenation packages, I was wondering if anyone had any objections
> to moving all these methods into classes under a single package i.e.

AFAIR all of these are there to facilitate development and testing,
the font metrics and the hyphenation class generator being the only
exceptions. They are not meant for the average user. Most if not all
could probably be deleted, or a least moved into the test tree. I'm
not sure what to do with the metrics generator, as the metrics file
is deprecated anyway. The hyphenation class generator is already
a class for itself (which ist overly complicated and could probably
share more code with the ant task). Another possibility would be to
get rid  of explicitely building serialized hyphenation classes and use
a caching mechanism for processed hyphenation patterns, somewhat
similar to fonts.

> (FOURIResolver, FontResolver, HyphenationTreeResolver,
> DataURIResolver, DTDEntityResolver) which I think we can all agree is
> a little excessive.
Unfortunately, there are at least two different APIs involved, and
there are still reasons users should be able to set different resolvers
for different purposes. Using an underlying unified API makes sense,
however I remember unifying DTDEntityResolver and the other Resolvers
run into difficulties (maybe related to XML catalogs).


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