Hi Holger,

I don't agree that we should change default behaviour of FOP to suit 
docbook users. Instead I propose that we implement support for role 
attribute on fo:block, such that it would be possible to specify 
role="artifact" in docbook xsl so that the nested structure is not 
represented as nested p tags in accessibility structure.



On 19/04/2017 13:48, Holger Bast wrote:
> Hi there,
> we're using docbook5 to write our technical documents which needs to be 
> published as accessible PDF files and we would like to use FOP as 
> fo-processor.
> FOP already supports generating tagged PDF content but I'm not happy with the 
> results and would like to discuss this topic further.
> Docbook5 provides XSL sheets to convert docbook to fo which then can be 
> processed by fo-processors. The XSL sheets often generate deep nested 
> fo:block structures like the following example:
> <fo:block>
> <fo:block>
> <fo:block ...>
> <fo:block keep-with-next.within-column="always">
> <fo:block ...>
> <fo:marker marker-class-name="section.head.marker">Level 1</fo:marker>
> <fo:block font-size="20.735999999999997pt">1.1. Level 1</fo:block>
> </fo:block>
> </fo:block>
> </fo:block>
> </fo:block>
> </fo:block>
> </fo:block>
> This code also generates a deep nested p(aragraph) structure in the pdf file, 
> because every fo:block automatically is
> tagged as paragraph. I would like to get rid of this to get a flat document 
> structure.
> I propose that fo:blocks are not automatically recognized as paragraphs 
> because they can contain different kinds of content, not only paragraph-like 
> content. So in my opinion they should not be affected by the tagging 
> mechanism automatically, so they are not included in the structural 
> information. The user should decide (opt-in) how to treat fo:blocks (like p, 
> h1 or something else).
> What do you think about this approach?
> Is this something that can be (easily) achieved in FOP?
> If you need further information, I'll can provide sample documents and files.
> Any information relating this topic is appreciated.
> thx & bye, Holger
> .

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