On 2019-04-14 jhar...@gmail.com wrote: 
> > On 2019-04-11 Chris Bowditch wrote:
> > > On 10/04/2019 19:42, Jan Tosovsky wrote:
> > >
> > > ... we could also consider removing some FOP dependencies, especially
> > > Xerces and Xalan, which functionality is bundled in JDK.
> > 
> > Yes that seems reasonable to me.
> But the Xalan in the JDK is xsltc only, right?  Does that matter to FOP?
> https://marc.info/?l=xalan-dev&m=155470533614986&w=2

Personally I would even remove that convenient built-in XSLT pre-processing 
(together with removing -xml/-xsl cmdline params) for the next major FOP 
version. It could clarify it is not FOP who to blame in case of XSLT related 


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