On 17/03/2019 19:23, Jan Tosovsky wrote:
> I plan to dedicate part of my spare time to implementing the index
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FOP-2851
> I suppose in later stages I'll appreciate some help.

Recently I've made some progress. I am able to collect page references,
deduplicate them and create ranges per rules defined in the XSL-FO spec.

It is available in a dedicated branch in my fork here 

However, I struggle with the LayoutManager part.

At the moment I convert the collected data into a simple string laid out
using the LeafNodeLayoutManager-based class:

I expect I should rather create some inline parent and put the child content
there. I wasn't able to find some example in the current code for this. 

By the child content I mean page references, which can have different
styles, optionally treated as internal links, decorated by the
prefix/suffix, separated by the specified page and range separators (joined
using proper keep-with values).


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