At 01:41 PM 10/4/01 +0200, Sam Prokop wrote:
>Hi folks,
>Iīve got the following Problem, i want to create a page, that has a
>different number of columns, for example it starts with 2 columns than
>only one and than 4.
>But i can only define columns in "region-body" and there can be only one
>region-body in a simple-page-master.
>I donīt want to give an absolute value for the height of the
>So is there another way to do multicolumns?

If you are relying on 'column-count' on 'region-body', no, you are stuck 
with that one figure, as you surmised. This is an XSL limitation. So on one 
page you can have areas with one column and 'column-count' columns, 
depending on how you set 'span', but that is it - 2 choices.

You might be able to do something clever if you also introduce tables.

Arved Sandstrom

Fairly Senior Software Type
e-plicity (
Wireless * B2B * J2EE * XML --- Halifax, Nova Scotia

  • Columns Sam Prokop
    • Arved Sandstrom

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