ewitness - Ben Fowler wrote:
 >  [ big snip ]

You are stating that the document contains an 'example' tag
as the root element, but not stating what the root element
contains is an error.
The following XML is valid:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="yes"?>
<!DOCTYPE example [
<!ELEMENT example (title,para)>
<!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)>
<!ENTITY ldquo  "&#x201C;"> <!--  -->
<!ENTITY rdquo  "&#x201D;"> <!-- RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK -->
 <title>A Canonical Greeting</title>
 <para>&ldquo;Hello World!&rdquo;</para>

[ snip ]

A validating parser should read the external DTD, whereas a
non-validating may, but is not required to, even if
standalone is set to "no".
Basically this means that if the external subset contains
declarations with consequences for a document's content, the
document's content depends on the parser in use and how it
is configured.

There are a couple of points.

1. What I was hoping to do is have entities but no external
DTD. Is this impossible? Or alternatively possible only at
the penalty of putting a reasonable DTD in the internal

I don't see why my orignal request cannot be satisfied? Is
it something that has been true of SGML all along and is
therefore grandfathered into XML. If so, there is a distinction
that could be made in that since a DTD is required for SGML
nobody would have noticed that this was part and parcel of
declaring ENTITYs.

What I would like would be to independently switch on
or off validation and general entities?

2. I have never seen a parser that does not switch into
validating mode when there is an external subset. Reading
an external DTD is a sine qua non for accessing the
ENTITYs in it.

At least this adds colour to my assertion that it is
sometimes easier to use a numeric form of entity rather
than a general entity.

Note that this does not apply to HTML because in HTML
a lot of entities are made available without there
being a DTD at all.


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