

I tried to use Microsoft’s entry point for Java when invoking fop, and thus replaced ‘java’ by ‘jview’ in Fop.bat.


May be I’m doing something stupid here but I’m not a developer, just a user of Java/fop, so it should be Ok, isn’it ?


When I ran fop on docs/examples/fo/simple.fo, I got the following problem :


jview -cp build\fop.jar;lib\batik.jar;lib\xalan-2.0.0.jar;lib\xerces-1.2.3.jar;lib\avalon-framework-4.0.jar;lib\logkit-1.0.jar;lib\jimi-1.0.jar org.apache.fop.apps.

Fop docs\examples\fo\simple.fo simple.pdf

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java/io/File: method getParentFile()Ljava/io/File;

not found

        at org/apache/fop/apps/Options.setCommandLineOptions

        at org/apache/fop/apps/CommandLineStarter.<init>

        at org/apache/fop/apps/CommandLineOptions.getStarter

        at org/apache/fop/apps/Fop.main


ERREUR : java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java/io/File: method getParentFile()Ljava/

io/File; not found


Is it impossible to run fop this way ?


Is it another example of non portable java application (probably because of issues on Windows side) ?


Thanks for you help,


Joël Conraud



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