look at this page:

in particular the section titled "Multithreading"

On Tue, 2002-06-11 at 07:47, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am using fop-0.20.3rc version of FOP to generate PDF files.
> These are few lines of code I used to generate the PDF reports.
> xslProcessor = XSLTProcessorFactory.getProcessor();   ------1
> xslProcessor.process(new XSLTInputSource(new FileReader(XSLFile)),new
> XSLTInputSource(new FileReader(XMLFile)), 
>      new XSLTResultTarget(PDFFile));     -------   2
> and So On..
> I am generating PDF reports of about more than 5000 for each trigger of the
> component.
> So, the above loop is run for those number of times.
> What i need to know is, whether the XSL file is processed for every loop OR
> it caches
> the result of the process once done. [ In the 2nd method ]
> If it processes for every loop, is there any way to process the XSL sheet
> separately
> and keep the result in any suitable object variable, and use that with XML
> file to genearte reports.
> Because the XSL filename is constant and only XML and PDF file name varies
> for every loop.
> Regards,
> Vinod Nayak i-flex solutions ltd. Voice: (91)-228 43 00, x 6501 
> Fax:   (91)-22-843 13
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