On Thu, 2002-06-20 at 21:31, Darya Said-Akbari wrote:
> 1. It should be clear for anyone from the very first
> beginning when working with FOP that FOP works fine
> when PDF should be the result. 
> 2. That it also work fine when you stay in the FO
> namespace and create your stylesheets with FO.
> 3. That it does a worthless job when you create SVG
> stylesheets and embed them in FO in hope that you get
> out PCL or PS.

The reason for this is simple, not much work has been done on it.
The fix is equally simple.
Someone can do the work required to put this functionality into FOP.

For PS this would require some fixes to the way it fills shapes in ps
and possibly some other small things.
For PCL the easiest way would probably be to simply convert the SVG into
a graphic and embed that in the document.

> The reason why to embed SVG in FO is clear. There is 
> no visual FO editor out there. So you can not give
> your customer the freedom to create their own
> stylesheets. But there are a few visual SVG editors
> which allow the customer to do right this. 
> I used WebDraw from Jasc Software, Inc. and it does a
> great job. 
> Hopefully, I didn't hurt anyone with my comments. 

It is good to hear your experiences and point out deficiences so that
people are aware of what FOP can do. Someone might implement this
functionality knowing that it could be useful and needs doing.

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