Thanks for your help. I got the following from my websphere administrator.

We've tried to do the changes as mentioned at the end of your e-mail
(changing jars and updating admin.config), but the IBM admin server can't

If we remove xml4j.jar  and the others and replace them by the ones
specified, the IBM admin server can't restart because of the lack of ibm
xml classes only found in xml4j.jar, and not available in Xerces-1.2.3.jar
or Xalan-2.0.0.

We've tried to use xml4j.jar with Xerces123 and Xalan200, but problems
appears in the running of the server.

I managed it even without admin rightes. Goto http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=fop-dev&m=101552169109119&w=2 and search for websphere.


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