I use FOP in an intenationalized app. Therefore I tried to create pdf-documents with locale German.
The currency symbols (Euro-Sign) doesn't appear correct in the result (cryptic).
If I dump down the generated fo the values are already wrong.
Can anyone give me a pointer where I've to search for .
Have I to change some encodings?
xxx code snipped
ByteArrayOutputStream out =  new ByteArrayOutputStream();
String xml = data.toXML();  //data is a plain xml container with the same structure like an xml-file
StringReader reader = new StringReader( xml );
Source xmlSource = new StreamSource( reader );
Result foResult = new StreamResult( out );
Transformer transformer = getTransformer( xslFilePath );
transformer.transform( xmlSource, foResult );
Torsten Erler
Junior Software Developer
E-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Telephone: (+49) 351-31875-0
Direct: (+49) 351-31875-754
net-linx Europe GmbH
Kaethe-Kollwitz-Ufer 76
01309 Dresden, Germany

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