Clay Leeds wrote:

I'll try this. Unfortunately, at this time, my clients are already complaining about how long it takes to output using FOP. Here's the info from FOP's debug mode:

[DEBUG] Initial heap size: 1828Kb
[DEBUG] Current heap size: 7003Kb
[DEBUG] Total memory used: 5174Kb
[DEBUG]   Memory use is indicative; no GC was performed
[DEBUG]   These figures should not be used comparatively
[DEBUG] Total time used: 11116ms
[DEBUG] Pages rendered: 5
[DEBUG] Avg render time: 2223ms/page
Hmmm, too much as to me. Are you using big images? Which FOP version are you talking about? I'd try cvs version - some performance patch was applied.

Out of curiosity, how do you think these values would be changed if I did the xalan stuff (passing the parameters & then did the FOP stuff? Do you think this would increase the overall rendering time? If so, by how much. (I'd certainly accept estimations).
I'd say that not really going to change anything, just + time to serialize fo to a file + time to read and parse it.

Oleg Tkachenko
eXperanto team
Multiconn Technologies, Israel

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