Nwilan Glirt wrote:
Now that I discovered that page-position="last" is not implemented in FOP, I am looking for alternative ways to produce "first", "middle" and "last" specific pages. Is there any way to do some conditional stuff on blocks such as testing if we are currently writing the last page?

Askinig for page-position="last" seems to be thequestion of the week. If creation time is uncritical, a two pass solution can provide this. The generated FO uses a repeatable--page-master-reference or a repeatable-page-master-alternatives for the main document body, in the first pass the maximum-repeats is unbounded (very large), in the second pass it is restricted to the relevant page count so that the next page master can kick in for the last page. In the XSLT, declare a parameter for the page count and something like this: <xsl:param name="page-count"/> <xsl:template name="generate-page-master"> <fo:page-sequence-master master-name="all"> <!-- page master for first page --> <fo:single-page-master-reference master-reference="first"/> <!-- page master for rest --> <fo:repeatable--page-master-reference master-reference="rest" maximum-repeats="{$page-count}"/> <!-- page master for last, unused in first pass (no harm) --> <fo:repeatable--page-master-reference master-reference="last"/> </fo:page-sequence-master> </xsl:template> There has been sample Java code published on this list for automating the whole process: http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=fop-user&m=102002702026609&w=2


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