On Thu, 2002-12-19 at 17:47, Jochen Stuempfig wrote:
> hello 
> i tried to define a named postion in an pdf using following code
> <fo:block id="mydestination">

The name of the id is not passed to the pdf document. For internal links
it simply gets the position on the page and makes a link to that page
and position.

The pdf named destination is not implemented.
>>From a quick look at the spec it appears that it would need to create a
destination for each id area and then a mapping from the named
destination to the destination.

> after i tried this an control the pdf using acrobat 5 scanning the
> document 
> acrobat doesn't show my the named destination in the pdf
> am i'm doing something worng?
> after all i'd like to open the document using an html link like
> <a href="foo.pdf#mydestination">Link</a>
> regards jochen

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