(1) Where is the ContextClassloader?

(2) Why do you assume that the ResourceLoader is loaded by the same classloader as the calling class?

Sharma, Siddharth wrote:

Try using this file for loading resources.
Currently it loads only as properties and String but you may choose to
return anyway you want.

import java.util.Properties; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream;

import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;

* Uses the classloader to load resources from the file system
public class ResourceLoader {

* Useful int to define a buffer size
private static final int aBuffSize = 123123;

* inputstream reader int
private static int k;
* Useful array for copying data
private static byte[] buff = new byte[aBuffSize];
* The XML String to return
private static String strXml;

* Returns the resource as a java.util.Properties object
* @param resourceBundleName String
* @param strPath String
* @throws IOException
* @return Properties
public static final Properties getPropertiesFromResourceBundle( String resourceBundleName,
String strPath )
throws IOException {

InputStream inputStream = null;
Properties properties = null;

try {

// fetch the properties file as a stream

try {
inputStream = getResourceAsStream(

strPath );
catch ( IOException objIoe ) {
throw objIoe;

// if the resource was found, load it into the
result Properties object
if( inputStream != null )
properties = new Properties();
properties.load( inputStream );
catch( IOException e )
StringBuffer strBuff = new

"CPSConfigurationManager.getPropertiesFromResourceBundle() caught
IOException when trying to load properties file " );
strBuff.append( resourceBundleName
strBuff.append( ": " );
strBuff.append( e.getMessage() );

throw new IOException(
strBuff.toString() );
catch(IOException ioe) {
throw ioe;
finally {
try {
if(inputStream != null)
catch( IOException ex ) {
throw ex;
return properties;
} // end of method getPropertiesFromResourceBundle()

* Returns the resource as a String object
* @param resourceBundleName String
* @param strPath String
* @throws IOException
* @return String
public static final String getXmlFromResourceBundle( String resourceBundleName, String strPath ) throws IOException {

OutputStream outputStream = null;
InputStream inputStream = null;

try {

// fetch the xml file as a stream

try {
inputStream = getResourceAsStream(

strPath );
catch ( IOException objIoe ) {
throw objIoe;

// if the resource was found, load it if( inputStream != null )
// I wish I could just do this:
strXml = inputStream.toString();
outputStream = new
synchronized ( outputStream ) {
while (
(k=inputStream.read(buff) ) != -1) {
buff, 0, k);

// I can now grab the string I
strXml =
outputStream.toString(); outputStream.close();
return strXml;
} // end of synchronized block
// That was a lot of work to pull a
String out of an inputStream.

catch( IOException e ) {

throw new IOException(
"PSConfigurationManager.getPropertiesFromResourceBundle() caught IOException
when trying to load properties file " + e.getMessage() );

catch( IOException ioe ) {
throw ioe;
finally {
try {
catch( IOException ex ) {
throw ex;

return "";
} // end of method getPropertiesFromResourceBundle()

* Returns the resource as a stream. Uses this class classloader to
find the resource
* relative to this class. Since this class is loaded by the
classloader of the * calling class (say servlet), the resource will be searched
realtive to the calling
* class
private static final InputStream getResourceAsStream( String
String strPath )
throws IOException {
InputStream inputStream = null;
try {
// null safety check
if( resourceBundleName == null || strPath == null)
throw new IOException(

"ResourceLoader.getResourceAsStream() called with null filename" );

StringBuffer resourceBundlePath = new
resourceBundlePath.append( resourceBundleName );

ClassLoader loader =

inputStream = loader.getResourceAsStream(
resourceBundlePath.toString() );
catch( IOException ioe ) {
throw ioe;

return inputStream;
} // end of method getResourceAsStream


-----Original Message----- From: Rakesh Patel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 11:30 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Solution for finding images in a WAR file


I have found a solution that I think works (have not got access to a Unix
environment to confirm this) but I did not hard-code any window/unix
specific paths.

Here's a snippet of code I used:

ServletContext scntxt = this.getServletContext();
String pathToFile = scntxt.getRealPath("/WEB-INF"); // or whatever relative
to web app root eg /images

String imagePath = "file:" + pathToFile;


as you can see, all my images are in web_app_root/WEB-INF.

The corresponding xml data file looks like this:

<HTRelitiveRef HTRRKey="2" HTRRType="Picture" HTRRID="/centurion.jpg"
HTRRLink="" HTRRVisible="F">centurion</HTRelitiveRef>

I hope this saves others the problem of finding the solution across many



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