Did you tried  
driver.setLogger(log);   ?

 --- Gian Piero Bottini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote: > Hi all
> Do somebody know how to integrate log4j and fop??
> In my project I have 2 log files created with log4j
> and I would put  the fop
> output in them.
> The code should be like this..
> Hierarchy hierarchy =
> Hierarchy.getDefaultHierarchy();
>     PatternFormatter formatter = new
> PatternFormatter(
>        "[%{priority}]: %{message}\n%{throwable}" );
>     LogTarget target = null;
>     target = new StreamTarget(System.out,
> formatter);
>     hierarchy.setDefaultLogTarget(target);
>     log = hierarchy.getLoggerFor("fop");
>     log.setPriority(Priority.INFO);
>     driver.setLogger(??  )
> ....but what do I have to put instead  of '??'   ?
> Thanks a lot and sorry for my poor english and my
> ignorance
> Gian Piero
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