Be careful when you say "stop the Thread".  Threads are no longer supposed
to be directly stopped.  I am, instead, throwing an Error in the thread,
catching it in the same thread, and exiting the thread cleanly.

The log messages are only going to System.out in the first place because the
default implementation of the org.apache.avalon.framework.logger.Logger used
by FOP responds to the debug(), info(), warn(), error(), and fatalError()
methods by writing the messages to System.out.  If you create your own
implementation and set is as the logger for the FOP run, you can do whatever
you want, including a setText() on a JTextField found in a dialog that was
already put on screen by another thread.


-----Original Message-----
From: Philippe PITHON [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 3:11 AM
Subject: RE : How to stop a render FOP ?

Thank you for your answer!

therefore, the only means of stopping a render, it's to put FOP in
Thread (and to stop the Thread)

But, how did you make to redirect the logger towards a dialog box?


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