
Does anybody know why EPS-images are not shown in Acrobat? Is it going to change in coming versions of FOP? We are currently using FOP 0.20.4. Can we fix it ourselves or is it very complicated?

Acrobat doesn't support displaying EPS files because that would involve
having a PostScript interpreter built-in. If you open it in
GhostScript/GhostView you will see it because the PDF is internally
converted to PostScript and GhostScript is a PostScript interpreter. So
you cannot fix it by modifying FOP.

Actually, I *can't* open it with GhostScript (6.53)/GhostView (3.5.8), because it crashes with an error, seemingly not coping with an embedded font ('Error: /undefined in dobeFont-1.0').

Could you check if the same happens with 0.20.5rc?

I tried it with FOP 0.20.5rc - still got an error, though different:

'Error: /syntaxerror in stream'

Also found out that it's not an EPS that's causing this error, but simply an text-block which uses a Type 1 font we added/registered in userconfig.xml. This font we converted from Mac Type1 Printer Font to PC Type1 Printer Font (.pfb) using CrossFont.


3) Batik produces an error on the embedded font in the SVG saved by
   Illustrator (10):

[ERROR] svg graphic could not be built: file:/tmp/logo.svg:
The following stylesheet represents an invalid
CSS document.

And if you tell Illustrator not to embed fonts? Or try 0.20.5rc. It
contains a more current Batik version.

We (already) tried it with the latest version of Batik. Still no luck.


OK, that's clear. You wouldn't happen to know of a tool or Java class with "full" Distiller capabilities?

There's currently no decent Java-based PostScript interpreter I know of.
That would be one of these cool projects for an IT student. :-)

Yep! Couldn't agree more... Was actually rather surprised I couldn't find something on the internet.

If the EPS image is absolutely placed on the page you could try to
generate a PDF with one page and the EPS image already distilled at the
right position. Then you could combine the FOP-generated PDF with the
one containing the EPS image superimposing one over the other. Tools for
that are iText and Etymon PJ. But the question is whether this would
really be faster than working with SVG.

Thanks for the tip, but the images aren't always absolutely positioned.

Joop Vriend.

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