
i dont know whether this would be helpful....May be u can do  a
reverse engineering....
This is the transformation of FO to HTML.
The site is www.renderex.com
May be u can find something over there.......
   Browsing XSL FO                                                    
   XSL Formatting Objects are an XML dialect; why not render them to  
   HTML by an XSLT stylesheet? What you see below is the first        
   attempt to materialize this idea. It is created and maintained by  
   RenderX development team as an add-on to our principal product,    
   Here is the stylesheet: fo2html.xsl. Please download it and try to 
   view your favorite XSL FO documents in a browser. Don't expect the 
   result to be perfect - see below about limitations, but - look at  
   our demos! If you plan to extend it to cover more of the XSL spec, 
   please share your accomplishments with us.                         
   Here are some examples produced by the stylesheet from FO files.   
   PDFs (generated by XEP) are also given; they serve as a reference  
   to assess the quality of their HTML counterparts. All examples     
   have been tested in IE5: for reasons explained below, we cannot    
   guarantee full interoperability with other browsers.               
                                                XSL FO                
   Hammer Manual                                                      
   XML 1.0 Recommendation                                             
   XPath 1.0 Recommendation                                           
   Possible Use                                                       
   A stylesheet like this may be used to reduce the complexity in a   
   publishing system with multiple target media: you generate XSL FOs 
   from semantic XML data, and use it as a source for all other       
   presentation formats. When your data structure changes, you only   
   have to modify XML-to-XSLFO stylesheet.                            
   Technical Notes                                                    
   The stylesheet tries to convert XSL FO data into HTML+CSS1. CSS2   
   support is still rare among browsers, and hardly can be relyed     
   upon. Even with CSS1, there are many discrepancies between MS      
   Internet Explorer and Netscape Communicator. However, one can      
   hardly do this task without using any stylesheet capabilities at   
   all; so CSS1 seemed to be a common denominator.                    
   It goes without saying that XSL FOs are much more powerful than    
   HTML+CSS1; moreover, since paged media are organized differently   
   from scrollable media, absolute similarity is not achievable.      
   Therefore, the conversion aims mostly at giving the user a         
   possibility to browse FO files, without pretending to preserve all 
   formatting subtleties predisposed for quality printing. The task   
   is also simplified by common vocabulary shared by XSL FO and CSS.  
   With this premises, the problem can be solved by amazingly simple  
   means: a 30 kb stylesheet does the bulk of the work.               
   Certainly, not everything can be achieved easily: for instance,    
   calculating the inheritance propagation along the FO tree is a     
   really tough task, as well as parsing CSS2 shorthands in XSLT. We  
   didn't even attempted to tackle this: in our opinion, this is more 
   easily achieved by a preprocessor. RenderX has such a preprocessor 
   built into XEP; redirecting its output into a file gives us a      
   "canonical" XSL FO document - with all shorthands expanded,        
   inheritance propagated, length units normalized etc.               
   However, if your XSL FO documents don't make use of shorthands,    
   multiple columns, absolutely positioned blocks and similar         
   advanced features, the results of the conversion can be very close 
   to the truth even without preprocessing, like in the examples      
   given above. This requires special care while writing XSL FO       
   stylesheets; but our experience shows it is relatively easy.       

                    "Afshartous, Nick"                                          
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:     "'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'"     
                    tcorp.com>                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>           
                    02/26/03 01:01 AM             Subject:     RE: XHTML --> FO 
                    Please respond to                                           

> This is AntennaHouse's version, haven't used it very much but
> I think it
> works. Needs an internet connection while processing (at least with
> FOP), probably for the XHTML namespace...

Thanks, I've been using the AntennaHouse version but it doesn't
translate tables in a way that satisifes FOP.  Just thought
someone may have already solved this ?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Santtu Pajukanta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2003 2:21 PM
> Subject: Re: XHTML --> FO
> Afshartous, Nick wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've seen discussion on the topic in the archives, but
> > no postings of stylesheets that are compatible with FOP.
> >
> > Could someone please post a  stylesheet that
> > does XHTML --> FO where the output is compatible
> > with FOP (i.e. tables work).  Thanks.
> >
> > --
> >     Nick
> >
> >


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