I wonder what the Oracle guys did to that server that it generates so
many problems. :-)

Anyway, can you please check if you have any JAXP libraries from FOP in
the classpath (xml-api.jar, xalan.jar, xercesImpl.jar)? If yes try
removing them. Maybe something like that interferes with Oracle's JAXP

FOP uses plain JAXP by the book in its latest version. So if anything
goes wrong with Oracle's implementation and you don't have any foreign
JAXP implementations in your classpath, I suggest you contact Oracle
support to help you, because the exception does not happen in FOP
directly but in the JAXP API (see top of stacktrace:

On 27.02.2003 12:25:21 Roberto Venanzi wrote:
> HI, I have problems with the following code in the FopServlet that 
> run in Oracle OC4J:
> in the FopServlet I have modified the metod renderFO to add a barcode font:


> the error is:
> java.lang.ClassCastException: oracle.xml.jaxp.JXSAXParserFactory
> at javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory.newInstance(Unknown 
> Source)
> at 
> org.apache.fop.configuration.ConfigurationReader.createParser(Unknown 
> Source)
> at org.apache.fop.configuration.ConfigurationReader.start
> (Unknown Source)


> Anyone can help me?

Jeremias Maerki

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