Most of the hyphenation files had to be removed because of license
reasons. We are looking for alternatives so we can once again provide
hyphenation patterns in many languages. Simply copying them from an
older distribution doesn't make them legal. Sorry for the inconvenience,
but this is a serious issue.

On 27.02.2003 17:41:16 Clay Leeds wrote:
> 0.20.5rc2 does not include the hyphenation pattern en_US. It only 
> includes the hyphenation pattern en_GB. Sorry, I don't know where to get 
> the other one (you might find it in the SOURCE for 0.20.5rc or 0.20.4, 
> but then you'd have to integrate it into the SOURCE for 0.20.5rc2 and 
> then BUILD FOP yourself).

Jeremias Maerki

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