Please note that a document may contain fragments of text written in many
different languages simultaneously. My documents, for example, are mostly
"pt-BR", but ocasionaly I have "en-GB" words interweaved, such as
"software" or "framework", "fr" for "façade", "de" for "Kindergarten", usw.
The best practice is to always specify the language code in the document,
never outside it, since it is very useful metadata. It may be used not only
for hyphenation, but also for ortography check, to select localized
formats, etc. It may also be used to keep multilingual documents -- you may
select the adequate idiom in the view generation layer.
To specify a sole language for the whole document, just use the xml:lang
attribute at the top-level element: this attribute is inherited by the
whole tree. The FOP parameter Mr. Day cited only works when the document
does not specify any language at all -- FOP then provides a convenient way
to specify a fallback language. If you specify the language in the
document, as usual, you should never need it.


Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
Petrobrás (
voice: +55 21 2534-3485
fax: +55 21 2534-1809
   <citation xml:lang="pt">Nunca discutas com um idiota.  Ele arrasta-te
até ao nível dele, e depois ganha-te em experiência.</citation>
   <citation xml:lang="en">Never argue with an idiot. He drags you to his
level, and then beats you in experience.</citation>

                      "Robert P. J.                                             
                      Day"                     Para:     FOP users list <[EMAIL 
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        cc:                             
            >                   Assunto:  Re: docbook, xmlto, 
FOP and hyuphenation              
                      14/04/2003 07:36                                          
                      Favor responder a                                         

On Mon, 14 Apr 2003, Togan Muftuoglu wrote:

> * Robert P. J. Day; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 13 Apr, 2003 wrote:
> >with a single stylesheet fragment.  but there's no parameter
> >which specifies hyphenation *country* as far as i can see.
> >so, at the moment, i don't see how to use this technique
> >to specify that i want my hyphenation country to be "en_GB"
> >using this technique.
> use of the following parameter in your customization
> <xsl:param name="l10n.gentext.default.language" select="'en_GB'"/>
> will do the trick

ironic that i finally took the time to scan the entire list
of FO parms, and that language stuff was *right* down at the
bottom, while i was looking around where the "hyphenate"
parm was.  that will teach me to keep reading.  thanks,
i'll test that shortly.


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