
I'm trying to figure out how to do a border between rows of a table, but the
borders are either not appearing or are being hidden by something else. What
is the expected behaviour of a border-top or -bottom? 

The fo is like this...

<fo:table width="10cm" table-layout="fixed">
  <fo:table-column column-width="5cm"/>
  <fo:table-column column-width="5cm"/>
    <fo:table-row background-color="rgb(90%, 50%, 40%)" border-top="solid
1px black" 
                  border-bottom="solid 1px black">

... and at least here there are no borders on the table row.

As a secondary question, when will percentages be supported in table (and
block) widths? At least in the version of fop that I'm using, there's no
support for it.

And finally (I promise) - is there a definitive document anywhere detailing
what bits of the xsl standard fop supports, and what bits it doesn't?


David Neary
Phenix Engineering
110 ave Jean Jaures, 69007 Lyon 

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