anton wrote:

> So, i get the sources and compiled it with the newest SDK under Windows.
> There were no errors but when i wish to render my fo-File, i get the
> following errot:
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
> org/apache/fop/apps/Fop
> I checked the generated file fop.jar, the class is there and the path's
> seems to be OK too. The Path to the fop.jat in my bath files must be also
> correct, cause i overwrite the old fop.jar with the new version.

It looks like the fop.jar file is not in your CLASSPATH. See:
The usual practice would be to run either fop.bat or to get all of
the correct settings. If you need to do something different, review those
scripts to make sure your solution covers all of the necessary steps.

Victor Mote

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