
Robert P. J. Day wrote:
> On Mon, 5 May 2003, Jeremias Maerki wrote:
>>0.20.5rc3 will arrive shortly. The last few things are being sorted out.
> cool.  i was about to launch into a major project using FOP,
> but if a new version will be out in, say, the next few days(?),
> i'll hold off.

We almost made the mistake of waiting for the next release candidate
(rc3, in fact), and we're glad we didn't. One project was briefly put on
hold for 0.20.5rc3 at the end of February (rc3 was hinted at a release
Feb 28 & our project release date was early March). Unfortunately, rc3
was put on hold. At the time, I believe it was primarily due to the hope
that licensing issues with the hyphenation dictionaries would quickly be
resolved. Since we'd done our testing with 0.20.4 & 0.20.5rc2, it wasn't
difficult to scale back to 0.20.4 (there were serious problems with a
duplicate content bug in rc2). In the end, our client followed my
recommendations against waiting for rc3. We are pleased with that decision.

If FOP rc3 still awaits licensing issues, there are no guarantees when
it'll be released. There've been predictions when rc3 will be released,
but as is usually the case with project release dates, regarding rc3 all
have past. My company doesn't currently use hyphenation, so if the delay
were due to waiting for hyphenation licenses, it would be particularly
frustrating (ignorance can be bliss). I suspect (hope?) there are other
reasons why rc3 is being held up.

As others have heard (rant?) before, since rc3 has "release candidate"
as its middle name, one would think it would've been released by now so
we can put it through the paces and make certain 0.20.5 is bug-free.
After all, 0.20.5 is rumored to be the last release of the maintenance
branch. Arguably, it'll be months (6+?) before we see a usable release
from the "trunk". Even then, there's no guarantee it will be able to
produce the same beautiful results as 0.20.5.

As always, eager to help, and looking forward to rc3...

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