
Thanks for the response - I have tried to change from
fo:instream-foreign-objects to fp:external graphics using either JPEG or PNG
images created from my charts by my Cocoon application (ie., I can request
these images from a browser, with correct MIME types, etc) using the
following xsl:fo, but still no joy :(


I get the following error(s) in my log-file. 

ERROR   (2003-05-27) 08:59.10:156   [cocoon.m] (/cocoon/list.report)
ExecuteThread: '12' for queue: 'default'/MessageHandler: Could not load
external SVG: The current document is unable to create an element of the
requested type (namespace: http://www.w3.org/2000/svg, name: head).
ERROR   (2003-05-27) 08:58.14:796   [cocoon.m] (/cocoon/list.report)
ExecuteThread: '12' for queue: 'default'/ExternalGraphic: Error while
creating area : No ImageReade
r for this type of image

If I load the above URL directly in my browser, and Save As... to my local
disk, change fo:external-graphic/@src to point to the file, it works. 

If I save theSVG to the local path, I get the following exception

ERROR   (2003-05-27) 09:17.31:078   [cocoon.m]
(/cocoon/n13/mfi/mfi-list.report) ExecuteThread: '9' for queue:
'default'/PDFRenderer: svg graphic could not be built:
An I/O error occured while processing the URI
'file:c:/mfi_report_country_category.svg#clipPath1' specified on the element
An I/O error occured while processing the URI
'file:c:/mfi_report_country_category.svg#clipPath1' specified on the element
org.apache.batik.bridge.BridgeContext.getReferencedElement(Unknown Source)
        at org.apache.batik.bridge.CSSUtilities.convertClipPath(Unknown
        at org.apache.batik.bridge.GVTBuilder.buildGraphicsNode(Unknown
        at org.apache.batik.bridge.GVTBuilder.buildComposite(Unknown Source)
        at org.apache.batik.bridge.GVTBuilder.buildGraphicsNode(Unknown
        at org.apache.batik.bridge.GVTBuilder.buildComposite(Unknown Source)
        at org.apache.batik.bridge.GVTBuilder.buildGraphicsNode(Unknown
        at org.apache.batik.bridge.GVTBuilder.buildComposite(Unknown Source)
        at org.apache.batik.bridge.GVTBuilder.build(Unknown Source)
        at org.apache.fop.render.pdf.PDFRenderer.renderSVGDocument(Unknown
        at org.apache.fop.render.pdf.PDFRenderer.drawImageScaled(Unknown
        at org.apache.fop.render.AbstractRenderer.renderImageArea(Unknown
        at org.apache.fop.image.ImageArea.render(Unknown Source)
        at org.apache.fop.render.AbstractRenderer.renderLineArea(Unknown
        at org.apache.fop.layout.LineArea.render(Unknown Source)
        at org.apache.fop.render.AbstractRenderer.renderBlockArea(Unknown
        at org.apache.fop.layout.BlockArea.render(Unknown Source)
org.apache.fop.render.AbstractRenderer.renderAreaContainer(Unknown Source)
        at org.apache.fop.layout.ColumnArea.render(Unknown Source)
        at org.apache.fop.render.AbstractRenderer.renderSpanArea(Unknown
        at org.apache.fop.layout.SpanArea.render(Unknown Source)
        at org.apache.fop.render.pdf.PDFRenderer.renderPage(Unknown Source)
        at org.apache.fop.render.pdf.PDFRenderer.render(Unknown Source)
        at org.apache.fop.apps.StreamRenderer.queuePage(Unknown Source)
        at org.apache.fop.layout.AreaTree.addPage(Unknown Source)
        at org.apache.fop.fo.pagination.PageSequence.format(Unknown Source)
        at org.apache.fop.apps.StreamRenderer.render(Unknown Source)
        at org.apache.fop.fo.FOTreeBuilder.endElement(Unknown Source)

For completeness, the definition and reference of #clipPath1 are copied
(out-of-context) here:

<clipPath clipPathUnits="userSpaceOnUse" id="clipPath1">
  <path d="M0 0 L660 0 L660 520 L0 520 L0 0 Z"/>

<rect x="0" y="0" clip-path="url(#clipPath1)" width="660" height="520"
<rect x="8" y="4" transform="translate(-142.2265625,-500.421875)"
clip-path="url(#clipPath1)" fill="white"
         width="644" height="489.421875" stroke="none"/>

Any suggestions?
Many Thanks,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Raposa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday 26 May 2003 22:19
> Subject: RE: Issue in including SVG charts in PDF
> Adrian Giessel wrote:
> > So, my problem is that a NullPointerException is thrown 
> within FOP (and
> > caught / swallowed) when processing my charts. The message 
> in the logs is:
> >
> > ERROR   (2003-05-26) 17:25.10:531   [cocoon.m]
> > (/cocoon/n13/mfi/mfi-list.report) ExecuteThread: '10' for queue:
> > 'default'/PDFRenderer: svg graphic could not be built: null
> > java.lang.NullPointerException
> >         <<no stack trace available>>
> >
> >
> > I cannot include the full xsl:fo (legal / size reasons), 
> but the pertinent
> > fragent is attached. The fragment two
> > <fo:instream-foreign-object/>s to test
> > the overall generation. The first one displays without any issues.
> > The second one is the one causing issues. However, the SVG 
> embedded is
> > correctly rendered by Adobe SVG viewer, and also converts 
> correctly to a
> > JPEG using Batik - hence the conclusion that this is a FOP issue.
> >
> > Has anyone come across this before, or can someone please 
> point me in the
> > correct direction.
> Unfortunately - I do not have a solution to your issue.  I 
> can at least
> confirm that I too have seen this issue.  The SVG seems to 
> render fine in an
> FOP:AWT-Preview screen.  But - when saved to PDF - I get the 
> null pointer
> exception.  As a temporary work around I am using PNG instead.
> I can however add some stack trace information (using FOP 
> 0.20.4).  I could
> also provide supporting data if it would help someone.  My data has no
> privacy issues.
> java.lang.NullPointerException        at
> org.apache.fop.svg.PDFTextPainter.paint(Unknown Source)       at
> org.apache.batik.gvt.TextNode.primitivePaint(Unknown Source)  at
> org.apache.batik.gvt.AbstractGraphicsNode.paint(Unknown 
> Source)       at
> org.apache.batik.gvt.TextNode.paint(Unknown Source)   at
> org.apache.batik.gvt.CompositeGraphicsNode.primitivePaint(Unkn
> own Source)
> at org.apache.batik.gvt.AbstractGraphicsNode.paint(Unknown 
> Source)       at
> org.apache.batik.gvt.CompositeGraphicsNode.primitivePaint(Unkn
> own Source)
> at org.apache.batik.gvt.AbstractGraphicsNode.paint(Unknown 
> Source)       at
> org.apache.batik.gvt.CompositeGraphicsNode.primitivePaint(Unkn
> own Source)
> at 
> org.apache.batik.gvt.CanvasGraphicsNode.primitivePaint(Unknown Source)
> at org.apache.batik.gvt.AbstractGraphicsNode.paint(Unknown 
> Source)       at
> org.apache.batik.gvt.CompositeGraphicsNode.primitivePaint(Unkn
> own Source)
> at org.apache.batik.gvt.AbstractGraphicsNode.paint(Unknown 
> Source)       at
> org.apache.fop.render.pdf.PDFRenderer.renderSVGDocument(Unknow
> n Source)     at
> org.apache.fop.render.pdf.PDFRenderer.drawImageScaled(Unknown 
> Source)       at
> org.apache.fop.render.AbstractRenderer.renderImageArea(Unknown
>  Source)      at
> org.apache.fop.image.ImageArea.render(Unknown Source)         at
> org.apache.fop.render.AbstractRenderer.renderAreaContainer(Unk
> nown Source)
> at org.apache.fop.layout.ColumnArea.render(Unknown Source)    at
> org.apache.fop.render.AbstractRenderer.renderSpanArea(Unknown 
> Source)       at
> org.apache.fop.layout.SpanArea.render(Unknown Source)         at
> org.apache.fop.render.AbstractRenderer.renderBodyAreaContainer(Unknown
> Source)       at 
> org.apache.fop.render.pdf.PDFRenderer.renderPage(Unknown Source)
> at org.apache.fop.render.pdf.PDFRenderer.render(Unknown 
> Source)       at
> org.apache.fop.apps.StreamRenderer.queuePage(Unknown Source)  at
> org.apache.fop.layout.AreaTree.addPage(Unknown Source)        at
> org.apache.fop.fo.pagination.PageSequence.format(Unknown 
> Source)       at
> org.apache.fop.apps.StreamRenderer.render(Unknown Source)     at
> org.apache.fop.fo.FOTreeBuilder.endElement(Unknown Source)    at
> org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser.endElement(SAXParser.java
> :1403)        at
> org.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLValidator.callEndElemen
> t(XMLValidator
> .java:1480)   at
> org.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDocumentScanner$ContentDispatch
> er.dispatch(XM
> LDocumentScanner.java:1149)   at
> org.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDocumentScanner.parseSome(XMLDo
> cumentScanner.
> java:381)     at
> org.apache.xerces.framework.XMLParser.parse(XMLParser.java
> :1081)        at
> org.apache.fop.apps.Driver.render(Unknown Source)     at
> org.apache.fop.apps.Driver.run(Unknown Source)
> - Robert
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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