The PS renderer is under active development but progress, as with other
portions of FOP, is not very fast. The focus of development is on the
redesign, however. Only bugfixes are made to the maintenance branch code.
Help is always welcome.

The problem with character set encodings should be fixed in CVS.

The problem with JPEG images could be related to the fact that it's the
only feature that uses PostScript Level 3 code which may not be
available on your printer. Does it work when you open the PostScript
file in GhostView?

On 04.06.2003 14:34:35 Jan Bernhardt wrote:
> I want to use the Postscript renderer for regular report printing.
> Unfortunately there are a few glitches which keep from doing so: JPEGs (at
> least the ones I tried) cause range errors and the Euro sign doesn't print due
> to wrong charset mapping.
> The first problem can be resolved by converting to GIFs. The second one
> is still unresolved. I know only little about charset encoding and Postscript
> and therefore I was looking into other solutions which include modifying the
> Postscript renderer.
> That's why I'd like to know whether the PS renderer is still under active
> development. If someone could help with the Euro sign mapping problem I'd be
> gladful too but I think that's worth another posting later.

Jeremias Maerki

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