Title: True Type Font in ps renderer


        I am trying to render a document that utilizes "ocraext.ttf" for one line on the document for bill paying. I was able to add the font into FOP, do the configuration and get it to work...sort of. When I render in PDF I can see the line in the document in the correct font, when I render to PS I can not even see the line. After much reading and searching I have come to discover that ttf is not supported in the ps renderer. My question(s) are this:

1) has anyone created a work around ?

2) is there a way,  post processing,  to "define" the font in the postscript file. Can I "manually" alter the ps file, before sending it to the printer, that is can I imbed the definition of the font in the ps file, then alter the file where I need to and make the line appear in the correct font. 

Currently, I need to stick to PS files because in the PS document I inject = "statusdict begin 0 setpapertray" to select the paper tray as there is no way to do this within FOP or the style-sheet.

3) If I figure out away to print the PDF directly I will render to PDF, but I have to set a tray command on the document, and I don't know how to do this for a PDF doc. In addition to this I use some of the contents of the PS doc to gather metrics (ie number of pages, sent to printer etc...)

Is there a way to "inject" this command into a PDF doc. And is there a way to get the page-count of a PDF doc?

Sorry for the long windedness... and the potential confusion


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