Thank you all, that worked perfectly with winzip.  The download site lists the 
file as
.tar.gz, and I thought it odd that it downloaded as .tar.tar (yes, Ben, it is 
so, and you
may add .tar.tar. to your list of possibles.) Well, live and learn, I shall 
know better
next time.
Much obliged, Dave.

----- Original Message ----- 
    Jamie replies: Rename the file to *.tar.gz as opposed to *.tar.tar ...
    George replies: Change your file extension from *.tar.tar to *.tar.gz ...
    Ben replies: On occasion, tar files I download have an extra "tar" appended 
to their
extension.  I am not certain why.  Nevertheless, when this happens, you may see 
like: *.tar.gz.tar. Rename it to: *.tar.gz. Ditto for *.tgz.tar.  I've not ever 
*.tar.tar; it's likely you've made a typo.  Uncompressed tar files put out for 
are rare.
    ald replies: tar is actually a gzip format ( i see this has already been 
... ) i would have recommended using WinRAR, which seems to have no probz with 

-----Original Message-----
> From: David Hill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2003 2:52 PM
> Subject: Newbie tarred and feathered
> I realize this is hardly a FOP problem, but opening the gift-wrapping has
> this newbie
> stymied. I found the following message and reply in the archive, which
> describes my
> problem exactly, but no particular solution is offered.  Can someone
> enlighten me?
> Problem: I downloaded the latest FOP binary download
> (fop-0.20.5rc3a-bin.tar.tar) from the
> distribution site I dunno what a tar
> file is, but
> WinZip seems to think it can handle it, so I gather its a compressed
> distribution format.
> Winzip returns the error message "Error reading header after processing 0
> entries".  Same
> result with Winzip current 8.5 release and also their beta 9.0.
> So how does one untar a tar?  Is there a preferred tool?  Or is the file
> damaged?
> David Hill, Camberley Systems, Needham MA

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