Hello ,
I am converting XML file to a formatted TXT o/p. I
have tried with both FOP 0.20.4 and the latest
fop-0.20.5rc3a softwares. I observed that with FOP
0.20.4 the TXT o/p was quite better than with
fop-0.20.5rc3a. There were fewer white spaces problems
with FOP 0.20.4. Sometime back i asked question about
TXTRenderer, & somebody on the list replied that
developer of TXTRenderer is not longer active. Is it
I am also generating formatted PDF o/p with FOP. I
found many enhancements for PDF o/p in fop-0.20.5rc3a,
so I have shifted to fop-0.20.5rc3a. But I have
observed downgrade in TXTRenderer of fop-0.20.5rc3a..
Is there hope of getting TXTRenderer better.


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