J.Pietschmann said:
> Othman HADDAD wrote:
>> i finally put a bigger character size, now i can see borders, but still
>> the
>> appearence is not regular!
> Seems like you got hooked up to a well known Acrobat Reader
> annoyance. If you use narrow borders you have to print the
> document in order to see whether they appear as expected,
> the screen output is not reliable.

FWIW, I've noticed that many apps display awkward, annoying and 'not to
scale' rendering problems when 'zooming' at various levels. This includes
Java AWT, Acrobat, & almost every other app that 'zooms' like M$ Word. The
best results I've found are to stick with even multiples of 100%. I tend
to check my FO renderings w -awt, and switch AWT to 150%, knowing
full-well that there the rendering of kerning and borders will look a bit
different. But if I'm looking to see if something printed, it's easier to
see at 150)% than 100%.

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