
I used

<fo:external-graphic src="url(/stylesheets/ING.bmp)"/>

which produces a slightly scaled image. I've tried adding width and height
and just reducing the pt size to about 96 and 93 respecitvely (the original
size is 129x124). This give a more pleasing image but I was wondering if
there's a better way of doing it.

On another note, you'll notice that I've written "/stylesheets/ING.bmp", I
create my fo file from an xsl stylesheet and I can only read the image if I
hardcode the complete path to the image, which lives in the same place as
the xsl file. Is there a way around this?



-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Adams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 19 November 2003 17:04
Subject: RE: Scaling images


How are you setting the size.  Can you post the external-image tag you
are using.

Only Width and Height attributes are supported in FOP.


-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Sweeney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 19 November, 2003 17:05
Subject: Scaling images

Sorry if this question is asked alot but I'm having difficulty with

I was given an example layout by someone to turn into a PDF using FOP. I
took the image out of the Word Document they sent me and added it as an
external graphic to my fo file. However when it is generated it is
slightly bigger (about 20% or so) than the original and it looks jagged.
Is there anything I can do about this? I've tried specifying its size
based upon the its dimensions but this makes no difference. Any comments
would be appreciated.


Richard Sweeney

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