Hi all fop users,

I have a problem fitting a table in a table-cell.

my table looks like:

+------------+-- ...  --+-------+
|a text with |          +___X___+
|a line break|          |       |
+------------+-- ...  --+-------+

what the picture says, is that in one table-row
I have one or more table-cells with lot of text in them, that causes
a line break oder more.
In the last table cell, I have a nested table with just one row of text.
What happens is, that my nested table doesn't fill the entire last table-cell
of the sourrounding table, which causes this bottom line to be shown in
the middle of my last table cell.

in FO the last cell with the nested table, looks like:
<fo:table-cell number-columns-spanned="2">

<fo:table table-layout="fixed" width="100%">
<fo:table-column column-width="proportional-column-width(1)"/>



I cannot specify an explicit width of the cells, nor height.
So when I set the height of the inner table to 100%, that
doesnt work..
but thats exactly what I want, the inner table should have the same height as
the table-cell it lies in.

Has somebody an idea about this?

Greetings, Peter

Institut für Medizinische Informatik, Statistik und Epidemiologie (IMISE)
Universität Leipzig

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