Good suggestion - thanks.
Looks like the blanks are preserved during the transformation.
But then this line from the .fo file:
gets rendered into
instead of
(no description)
What does this suggest to you?
I think as a workaround for now I will refrain from adding the zero width space 
on either side of a space character. That should work since the space will 
allow for any wrapping that might occur at that point in the text.
And if this looks like something in FOP that needs to be looked at, I would be 
happy to try and track it down.
Just let me know.

-----Original Message-----
From: J.Pietschmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 1:23 PM
Subject: Re: losing spaces when using zero width space?

Jon Allen wrote:
> A while back you good folk taught me to use zero width spaces to allow 
> my text to wrap as I needed it to. Now I have discovered that spaces 
> in my text are not showing up in the output.
> Example: "S<zws>A<zws>M<zws>P<zws>L<zws>E<zws> <zws>T<zws>E<zws>X<zws>T"
> where <zws> is &#x200b; 
> (I know this is hard to read - sorry)
> comes out as "SAMPLETEXT"
> instead of "SAMPLE TEXT".
> I tried setting white-space-collapse property to false, but that didn't help.

I guess the space is lost during XSLT. Run the transformation standalone and 
examine the FO file in order to check this.


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