Something like this may be of help--this is what I do
for running FOP within the JEdit IDE:

<target name="run">
   <java classname="MyAppWithFOPEmbedded" fork="true">
      <classpath refid="xxxx.classpath" />


--- "J.Pietschmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> S. Alan Ezust wrote:
> > Is it possible to fork an ANT FOP task and give it
> a heap size of its own? I 
> > can't find a fork= attribute in <taskdef>,
> <target> or <fop>. Do I put this 
> > somewhere else?
> You'll probably want to look at the <java> task.
> Check
> the Ant docs for details, and you likely get more
> hints
> on the Ant user list.
> J.Pietschmann
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