I'm trying to set a document in two columns using fop (0.20.5).
Unfortunately, when the two columns do not have exactly the same amount of
material, the baselines of the first lines of the two columns do not align.
They can be as much as 1.5 lines off.

I cant think of a workaround in the general sense.

You could try placing your content into a table, starting a new row for each paragraph and using keep-together="always" on the rows. That way the top of each column would always start with a new paragraph and the baseline alignment may be improved.

Another technique is to try to guess when a column has been filled and place break-after="column" at appropriate places in the XSL-FO during XSLT processing. Very messy I know...

fop does not seem to have implemented .minimum and .maximum (or
.conditionality or .precedence) in space-before and space-after, so the
vertical spaces in the columns are constant rather than mutable. This seems
to be at least part of the problem; leastwise, mucking about with 'stretch'
and 'shrink' values doesn't seem to help..

Neither does giving a value to display-align in the region-body make any

display-align is only implemented in block-containers and table cells.

I'm rather mystified, since my reading of the XSL spec and Pawson's book gives me no clue how I could achieve this effect if I wanted to.

They wouldnt give you any pointers to solve this problem, because they are written in general XSL-FO terms, with a fully compliant XSL-FO formatter in mind. In other words they are not written specifically for FOP users.


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