hi all,

Good Day!!!

am not sure if this is the right place to post this i just hope to get all 
the help i could... here it is i am able to access fop with the url


or with cocoon implementation with the url 


is there a means by which i could access those web applications 
without port 8080??

i am actually able to do it with my other JSP web applications but the 
method i use for my other web applications when implemented on 
fop or cocoon wont work... here is what i did

inside server.xml of tomcat i placed the context
<!-- Define Cocoon Context -->
<Context path="/cocoon" docBase="/var/www/cocoon" debug="3"
        reloadable="true" crossContext="true">
<Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
        prefix="localhost_cocoon_log." suffix=".txt"

mod_jk.conf file added the line
JkMount /cocoon/* worker1

but still doesn't work... any hint or tip would be very much 
appreciated... all the best!!!


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