On Tue, 2004-05-25 at 18:14, Andreas L. Delmelle wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: James Earl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> Hi James,
> > Thanks for the example.
> >
> > vMax is a string length in this example though, right?  Correct me if
> > I'm wrong, but I don't think proportional-column-width() will work with
> > a string length will it?
> >
> Hmm.. Not sure what *exactly* you are referring to, but XSLT's
> string-length() function returns a number, and that number is what gets fed
> to the proportional-column-width() function.
> Don't know if you have read up on the definition of
> proportional-column-width(), but it works more or less as follows:
> - first all other specified column-widths are resolved (explicitly set to an
> absolute or a percentage value)
> - the total of these is subtracted from the table-width
> - then, for all remaining columns whose width is defined by p-c-w(), the
> total of the numbers is made, and the remaining table-width is distributed
> over these columns along the proportions that are specified
> So, if you have two columns like this:
> <fo:table-column column-width="proportional-column-width(1)" />
> <fo:table-column column-width="proportional-column-width(5)" />
> The second one will always be 5 times as wide as the first, no matter what
> else...

I did read up on proportional-column-width() on w3.org, but your
description of it makes things more clear.  Thanks!

I understand your example above, where one column is always 5 times as
wide as the first.

The only thing that was confusing me is that (in your first example) if
string-length() returned a value of say 24, because you have a column
with a maximum string length of 24 characters, then that column would be
24 times the width of all the rest... wouldn't it???

> Using string-length() is indeed a bit rudimentary, in that it can, strictly
> speaking, only approach the actual text-width when a fixed-width font is
> used further on. If you want to refine that, you would need to take into
> account the font-metrics as well... Also, the proportions will only look
> nice if you have all rows of the same height (meaning: no line-breaks inside
> cells) Sure, this too can be compensated for.
> Say you have a max record width (sum of all respective max field widths) of
> 65, then each column gets its width according to a calculation like
> [( proportional-width / 65 ) * remaining-table-width ]

I'm very poor with math, but this makes more sense to me (the paragraphs
above) - using the maximum string lengths to calculate a proportional
integer.  I'll have to try to apply this in my application and see if I
can better understand it through doing it!

> Other than that... could it be that you're a bit misled by the subtle
> difference between XSLT and XSL-FO (?) The result of string-length() is
> resolved long before FOP starts digesting the actual fo:table-column, so FOP
> sees nothing of the string-length() function. That's the XSLT processor's
> realm...

Ya, XSLT just spits out the XSL-FO, which is then processed by FOP.  I
don't think I have a complete understanding of
proportional-column-width() yet.  I'll play around with it some more
using the information you'd provided to me and see what I can learn.


I'll post any success that I have!

> HTH!
> Greetz,
> Andreas

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