On Jun 2, 2004, at 6:42 PM, Benjohn P. Villedo wrote:
On 2 Jun 2004 at 14:51, Chris Bowditch wrote:
One possible cause is that you havent specified width and height attributes on
the external-graphic tag. If you dont specify the width and height, FOP
assumes 72dpi and if you have a high res graphic being rendered at 72dpi the
result is the dimensions are bigger than a page and the image will be dropped.
Do you see any warnings at the console when you run from the command line?


very true i didn't specify width and height because the images that
are being attached to the pdf have variable dimensions. hmm so
that's the behaviour of FOP. i actually tried changing the page size
to 40x40inches and still the image did not display... as with regards
to the command line warnings... i don't see them if there are any coz
i just access the xml file via browser say i resulted to 1234.xml file i
access it via http://FQDN:8080/cocoon/xmlfiles/1234.pdf hope this
information could further give enlightenment to this case... any other
suggestions? all the best!!!


This link has some good information about Graphics Resolution:


In partciular, it indicates that if you specify a single dimension, it will proprotionately scale the image to fit. Thus, you could specify a maximum width (or height) and it would scale to that size. You just need to be sure the corresponding image dimension doesn't put the image off the page.

Web Maestro Clay

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