Thanks for your input.  I have run out of ideas trying to get the text
to fit and now looking into commercial formatters.  I have an issue with
images also. I am setting the content width and content height to fit
images within a certain boundaries.  This works great for images larger
than the area.  FOP shrinks it to the correct size.  But, now the images
smaller than the region are getting stretched.  I am using eps image
files.  Any way to shrink large images (which I have achieved) but avoid
smaller images from stretching?  

Vinuta Nagaraddi

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Bowditch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, June 14, 2004 9:28 AM
To: Vinuta Nagaraddi
Subject: Re: Need text to flow outside the block

Vinuta Nagaraddi wrote:

> Yes, I am using block container for absolute positioning. I am setting
> left, top, width, and height attributes which can not be changed.
> are two situations:
> 1.  Text is too long and not all the text is being displayed. I have
> the text into a table because I wasn't able to use the display align
> property on the block container. Ex:

Huh? display-align should work on block-container according to
compliance page:


> I need to make the text in both situations overflow the block
> boundaries.

There is no easy way to get this working with FOP. The possible options
as I 
see them:

1) redesign your document so that absolutely positioned text doesn thave

variable height.
2) redesign your stylesheet/FO making use of an outer table with nested 
tables. This is difficult to explain in an e-mail, but I have had to do
myself for a customers rather complicated statement with lots of
positioned items.
3) I hate to admit defeat, but you may have to consider a commercial



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