Any particular reason you don't just make a table with 2 columns, the first column being your fo:list-item-label body?  It may get around certain limitations in fop 0.20.5.
A few other comments on your tables from my recent dive into using them:
<fo:table width="100%"> is not supported AFAICT in fop 0.20.5.  I have to specify exact width in inches/mm/etc to avoid getting a warning. 
Your <fo:table-column column-number="1"> (column-number attrib not supported in fop), use <fo:table-column column-width="proportional-column-width(1)"/> and provide column entries in left to right order.
In general, I've found that tables don't like to play nice with other enclosing elements and now have heavily nested tables to preserve layouts on my pages.  It slows down processing but I get the layouts in my PDFs that I want.

From: Raphael Parree (Triveratech) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 3:48 PM
Subject: List problem



I am having a problem making a list. I am using the XSL below to create a list.





                    <fo:block end-indent="label-end()">-</fo:block>


                <fo:list-item-body start-indent="body-start()">


                        <fo:table width="100%" table-layout="fixed">

                            <fo:table-column column-number="1"/>


                                <fo:table-row keep-together="always">



                                            <xsl:apply-templates select="FOO"/>

                                            <xsl:apply-templates select="BAR"/>












What happens sometimes is that the “-“ w/out any body is on one page and the body is on the next page without a “-“.


Any ideas?









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