
I can't use relative path to my fonts file (xml + ttf). Even if I use the fontBaseDir property in the Configuration fop's object.

I need to do that because my app will be deployed on different platform using a single JAR file which contains all the needed fonts stuff (there is not shared server which can "host" the fonts at a single place).

Here is the way i want to access my fonts :

File userConfigFile = new File(PDFRenderer.class.getResource("/ressources/fop-config/userconfig.xml").getFile());

Then in my userconfig.xml file :

<font metrics-file="helvetica-narrow.xml" kerning="yes" embed-file="Type1Fonts/HVB_____.PFB">
        <font-triplet name="Helvetica" style="normal" weight="bold"/>

Everything is working ok when my application isn't embedded in a JAR file...

But once I launch it within a JAR (and a manifest file, which is the classical way for deploying java application here), it seems FOP have a problem to localise my custom fonts file in a relative way ! Here is the console output :

[ERROR] Failed to read a font metrics file: Invalid font metrics file: helvetica-narrow.xml (no protocol: helvetica-narrow.xml)

How can I use the class loader to load my custom fonts (this way I already can load images, config files and other resources directly embedded in my "final" jar file) ?

Sorry if this problem was already solved, I didn't find it in the archives.

Waiting for answers, I will look the source code to see how FOP loads custom fonts... :o)

Help please ! ^^


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