Le 2004-08-31 21:18:53 +0200, J.Pietschmann écrivait :
> Jean-Philippe Guérard wrote:
> >[ERROR] file:/home/fevrier/essai.fo:48:206 The id "id2455426" already 
> >exists in this document
> This kind of problem is caused by discarding a layout attempt,
> usually either by a keep forcing a block onto the next page or
> column balancing caused by a column spanning block.
> If you are using the latest FOP release (0.20.5) there is no

Yes, I'm using FOP 0.20.5.

> way aroung except by avoiding the condition usually by
> carefully fiddling with forced page breaks and/or dummy
> content (depending on how well you can manipulate the DocBook
> source), or post processing.

Do you have something specific in mind when you mention post-processing?

Is this issue due to be solved in an upcoming FOP release?


Jean-Philippe Guérard

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