
I am working with the project of converting a web Page into PDF.I am using FOP.I am creating the formatting object tree using xslt.I already create template for most of the html 4.0 tags and everything this working perfectly.But I have problem with table .It showing the table with entire page width. That means suppose I have created only one column, it will occupy the entire page width. Suppose I am using width in table, it is not shrinking according to that width. I used table attribute as




<xsl:attribute name="table-layout">auto</xsl:attribute>

<xsl:attribute name="space-before">10pt</xsl:attribute>

<xsl:attribute name="space-after">10pt</xsl:attribute>

<xsl:attribute name="border-style">outset</xsl:attribute>

<xsl:attribute name="border-collapse">separate</xsl:attribute>

<xsl:attribute name="border-spacing">2px</xsl:attribute>



Another problem is - outset is not working.<fo:table-and-caption> is not working with fop.So I am not use <fo:table-and-caption>.This will create any problem?

I would like to know whether fop will support <fo:table-and-caption>????????


I would like to know how can I manipulate embedded and external style sheet using xslt?


Please help me


Thanks in advance




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